Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Another great weather day today. Even though we were in the mountains today it was still around 45 degrees or so. If you look at the pictures as we were taking the train you can see that there is Police and or Military all along the route every 25 to 50 feet or so.  As you continue up the mountain, there are camouflaged make shift huts with cannons and large weapons on the ready. When we arrived in the village, we were greeted by lots of security and more police officers with guns as you can see in the picture below.  All along we have felt safe here, but when you see that you ask yourself is that much security really needed and if it is then it really makes you think………..HOW LUCKY WE ARE!!  

Our trip has been fantastic, we have seen a different culture, we have learned to navigate the territory, we have met some great people and we are getting ready to see a GOLD Medal game!  The Olympic Park is amazing and the Russians spared no expense on anything here.  To have experienced this has been an honor and we know we are blessed.  There is much beauty here with the mountains and the ocean but there is much here that still needs to be improved. 

What I am trying to say is that sometimes we all take for granted what we have right in our own backyard!  I know after this trip, I am not going to take my surroundings and my safety and my freedom for granted.   America truly is the greatest nation in the world……...we have learned from so many on the ship that they would love nothing more than to come live in America they say “America is wonderful, people are nice, and there is so much to do and see”.  The Russian people just want to have their picture taken with us just because we are American.  We smile and we are friendly – they love that.  We met a young man today at the park that was driving us to the gate and he asked us if we have enjoyed the Olympics and Russia.  We of course told him how wonderful our trip has been and he said he was so proud of this.  He was so proud that we looked at his country and this Olympics as a positive experience.  It was a great moment. 

We all have the choice each and everyday to be and do the best we can with what we have.  We all can make our lives, our part of America the best it can be by doing something nice for someone else, being your best self, taking care of our own surroundings and not taking them for granted, and always knowing that you are part of something special.  We are proud to be American.  We feel very blessed to have so many awesome people in our lives!! 

We can’t believe that the GOLD Medal game is tomorrow!!!  Where has the time gone?  It has flown by!  We want to thank everyone for all of the support that is coming from back home.  We need you all now more than ever.  We need those positive thoughts sent here by the hundreds and we need all your prayers.  Kacey and her team can’t do this without all of your support.  You’ll all be getting up on game day and before you know it, it will be noon and you will be watching.  Our day here will be filled with anticipation and excitement along with the continued belief that GOLD will be coming back to the USA!!!  How will we sleep tonight…. like babies knowing that you all have our back!! 

From Russia with LOVE!!  


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience on this Olympic journey. So many of us are living it vicariously here at home. We are so proud of Kacey and her teammates. Sending prayers and love from Overlook to Sochi. Go get that Gold today 🌟 Trish & co.
